Supporting the Nightingale Hospitals

Advanced Alloys proud to be an indirect supplier to this key NHS initiative

You will know that the Nightingale Hospitals are temporary NHS facilities, specifically set up to treat Covid-19 patients.  There are plans for many across the country, but two of the first to be built are at London’s ExCel Centre and Birmingham’s NEC, each of which may eventually house 5,000 beds.

As you can imagine, putting the necessary large-scale infrastructure in place in such a short space of time, under extremely difficult conditions, tests the skills and resourcefulness of the construction suppliers involved.

Advanced Alloys is supplying copper strip in coils and copper tubing to some of these construction companies.  Whilst never losing sight for one minute of the perils of the overall pandemic, we are nevertheless proud to be playing some small part in equipping these lifesaving hospitals.

At the same time, we continue to supply copper products to other key organisations such as supermarkets.

As we continue to operate, we recognise that many of you, our customers, now need to function with fewer staff.  We are constantly adapting our working practices to accommodate your changing set-up, and to help you in any way that we can.  (We also acknowledge that some of our customers have had to close at this time.)

Please do let us know of any further ways in which we could help you.


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