Corona and Copper

Has the disruption gone viral?

We are all aware of the serious threat to public health posed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). There is also of course the possibility that supply chains will be disrupted by the repercussions of the outbreak.

At Advanced Alloys, we take the timely supply of materials to our customers very seriously, and we would make the following points in connection with the threat caused by the virus.

As you probably know, it is our policy to maintain a significant inventory of materials in the UK, and these are always available for immediate shipment. This means that we can continue to satisfy your orders from our existing stock for quite a while, without relying on replenishment from any other source.

While we are doing this, we are obviously monitoring our remaining stock levels very carefully, as well as the status of our usual supply chain, so that we know if and when we need to pursue alternative sources for any materials, whose original source is affected by the virus. We will make every effort to activate these sources in good time in order to provide you with a seamless continuity of supply.

This is of course an evolving situation, and we will continue to monitor developments closely with our suppliers and customers. We will take advice from the relevant government agencies, and thereby update you, our customers, on any changes during this period of uncertainty.

Please do not hesitate to contact your usual Advanced Alloys representative, if you have any questions or concerns at all, or if you would like to discuss any aspect of this matter in greater detail.

Thank you!


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